Relieve stress, dispel fatigue, reassure the spirit with massage movements, pressing … impact on acupuncture points and muscles
Long strokes combined with massage, kneading, twisting movements to press on muscle areas on the body. The force acting on the human body is very gentle, bringing a feeling of relaxation, comfort and refreshment.
Massage techniques, gently stretching to muscle areas, acupuncture points help relieve tension, relax muscles and skin surface, stimulate blood circulation throughout the body, increase blood circulation help soothe the spirit, dispel stress, fatigue and pressure in life.
Dispel stress, fatigue, and soreness after a long day, the massage techniques of rollers and airbags are mostlymassage, stroking, flapping, shaking where many muscles and nerves are located. Stimulates blood vessels to dilate and improve circulation, giving the nervous system a comfortable sedation.